Market Umbrellas, A Cost Effective Advertising Strategy

Market umbrella are perfect for promoting your brand and raising brand awareness. Transform your outdoor dining space with custom logo and branded umbrellas.

How much value are you getting?


Is your advertising strategy cost effective? Above presents a perfect opportunity to show your brand to thousands of individuals. These umbrellas located right next to a prominent located billboard have the same exposure, at a fraction of the cost.


*Billboard prices based on data retrieved from ($1.59+ avg cost per play) as of January 2023.

Time To Try Something New & Cost Effective?

Traditional advertising techniques such as digital billboards allow your brand to be seen by thousands of Australians each day, however they are expensive and temporary.

On the other hand, Awnet umbrella’s are a long-term and affordable advertising solution, that not only provides comfort to your customers but also acts as an advertising medium at the point of purchase.

corona branding on market umbrellas for outside dinning space

Marketing At The Point Of Purchase

Point Of Purchase (POP) Advertising is an essential component for your marketing campaign. POP advertising targets consumers at the crucial moment of right before they make a buying decision. Point of Purchase Advertising triggers brand awareness and generates curiosity to consider the product and essentially influence the purchase decision.

The most effective way to influence customer’s purchasing decisions is at the point of purchase

After investing an extensive number of resources to connect and communicate to your target market, its important that these efforts don’t go to waste as a customer dines at a premise. Utilising Point of Purchase marketing ensures your brand is the first thing on their minds before making a purchase. 

There are very few advertising strategies that allow your brand to be present in the final moments before purchase, especially outdoors. Awnet umbrellas and barriers are a perfect solution to this problem.Transform your outdoor space with branded barriers and umbrellas, expose your brand to hundreds of passers-by’s and create an inviting space that attracts customers to sit and dine at.

Awnet umbrellas and barriers don’t just act as an advertising medium. They also create a more engaging and memorable experience for customers. Protecting customers from the wind and sun, providing them with greater comfort, resulting in them staying longer.

Why Awnet Umbrellas?

broken cheap umbrella competitor


Cheap Umbrellas and barriers will cost you your brand image. Don’t risk your brand’s reputation.

If not manufactured properly, umbrellas can be dangerous. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission estimates about 3,000 people are injured by umbrellas every year.

All Awnet Umbrellas are Engineer Certified and Council Compliant.

Businesses have a duty of care to ensure the safety and well-being of their customers. At Awnet our engineer certified umbrellas are City Council Certified. Designed to withstand even the most adverse weather conditions, with resistance to wind speeds beyond 120km/h (Monash Wind Tunnel Tested). For extra confidence on our products quality, all our umbrellas and barriers come with a minimum 3-year warranty. 


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